Our Projects



Shlavim Comprehensive Education

This comprehensive program is raising the bar at over 60 schools throughout Israel. Our goal is to raise the professional standards of teaching, and address the needs of vulnerable students who need academic and emotional support, thereby reducing dropout rates.

"Ma'avarim" (Transitions)

Ma’avarim, meaning “transitions,” guides students through the critical developmental stage of transferring from elementary school to junior high school.

Step Up and Speak English

We know that English is vital to achieving success in the modern work environment. But students often lack the confidence to speak and stop trying to master it. Our goal is to ensure that students overcome their fears, and feel comfortable speaking English.



Chanoch – Teaching Financial Responsibility

Chanoch means “to educate”. The Chanoch program prepares Haredi young men ages 17 to 24 for taking financial responsibility for their future families.

Netiva - Career Guidance and Employment Training for Young Women

The NETIVA INITIATIVE encourages female high school graduates to pursue vocational training or academic education. Our goal is to reduce poverty and ensure the future economic stability and independence of these vulnerable young women and their families.

Creating Financial, Health, and Economic Stability.

At Shlavim we address every factor that might have a negative impact on the success of our children. Students often act out in school because of stress in the home.



Yachdav Youth Organization

Yachdav, meaning “together,” is a groundbreaking personal growth program, comprised of a unique national network of youth groups.